Churches that Help with Motel Vouchers

Churches that Help with Motel Vouchers

According to the World Population Review, in the United States, about half a million people are facing homelessness. Can you imagine the number? Yes, half of a million. And that is true. Some of these people are spending their nights under the open sky, and some of them luckily get temporary shelter. In recent years, the percentage of homelessness has increased a lot. 

HUD reports that on a single night in 2023, roughly 653,100 people in the U.S. experienced homelessness, up about 12 percent from 2022.

So, are you facing homelessness? Need help? Okay, you are in the right place. Here we are for you, to help you by providing a temporary shelter to sleep safely. We will discuss some resources that help homeless people with motel vouchers. Using those motel vouchers, you can easily stay at your nearest motels and hotels for free.

There are maybe several reasons to become homeless, including sudden eviction, sudden accident, loss of job, domestic violence, and many more. But for you here, we will discuss churches that help with motel vouchers.

“Overall, 66.7% of the total homeless population of the United States is single individuals, with the remaining 33.3% being families.” –

Motel vouchers are part of programs offered by churches or government organizations to homeless people. Churches should make beforehand contact with the local mortals to accommodate homeless people using the voucher so that they can easily allow homeless people to stay there for free.

Now let’s discover the churches that help with motel vouchers.

Key points:

  • Motel vouchers offer temporary shelter options to people who need it.
  • Homeless, low-income families may receive motel vouchers from churches for free.
  • Contact the nearest church or visit their official website for more info.
  • Meet eligibility criteria and then fill out the application form and finally submit it.

Explaining Motel Vouchers

Motel vouchers are prepaid hotel or motel accommodation stays, that are offered by churches, charities, government agencies, etc. to low income families, and homeless families who are suffering from financial difficulties.

Through this motel voucher, people can live in hotels and motels for free. If you are suffering from homelessness then directly contact the churches, and they will help you to get a motel voucher.

List Of Nonprofit Churches Near Me That Help With Motel Vouchers

Churches don’t provide Motel vouchers to everyone; they only focus on low-income families, senior citizens, disabled people, single mothers, or, better to say, single parents, the unemployed, etc. Also, they need to meet eligibility criteria to receive motel vouchers from churches. We will discuss that later. Now let’s see the churches:

The Salvation Army is a faith-based church that serves help to people who are in an emergency. This is a Christian church also known for assisting individuals and families in need, including motel vouchers.

They often offer programs specifically for helping people who are homeless or going to be homeless soon. These motel voucher programs may vary by location, so it is best to contact your local Salvation Army office or visit their website to inquire about specific services available in your area –

Catholic Charities partners with various Catholic churches that offer motel vouchers to homeless people. They offer vouchers to stay in motels for free through their charitable programs. If a person is homeless, can’t pay rent, have no savings are eligible to receive motel vouchers from catholic charities.

For more info about their assistance visit here –

The United Methodist Church ( is a world-renowned church that provides services all over the world. Their programs help the homeless and provide millions of people with temporary shelter assistance. If you are experiencing financial difficulties and are unable to pay rent, then you may be able to access the motel voucher program and stay in a motel for a few days.

The Episcopal Church ( is a national religious organization that works to foster growth by strengthening communities. There are many programs available to help the homeless and those in need.

People in emergencies are welcome in the Episodic Church. They provide housing assistance to the homeless and down on their luck. During this time of crisis, the organization is offering motel vouchers to those who need them.

Throughout the United States, you can also find other religious and nonprofit organizations that help people with motel vouchers. The Lutheran Church is one of them.

There is a service that provides motel vouchers to people who need immediate shelter. In collaboration with motels, they offer vouchers to people in need. You can get motel vouchers from the Lutheran Church community if you are looking for accommodation. Visit their official website to apply for the voucher –

St. Vincent de Paul is a global organization whose focus is to assist needy families in emergencies. They provide various forms of support, including food assistance, clothing, furniture, financial assistance, and motel or emergency housing vouchers for people who are homeless or facing housing insecurity.

Like other charitable organizations, St. Vincent de Paul operates through local associations to help the community. For more visit their website –

The Red Cross ( is another organization that helps homeless people. The good thing about the Red Cross is that everyone can stay in their establishments. They offer to everyone who is in need without any eligibility requirements. Contact them and explain your situation and you’re all set to receive assistance –

This organization helps Jewish and non-Jewish victims of natural and man-made disasters around the world, providing immediate relief and long-term assistance. So, if you need an emergency motel voucher to save yourself and your family contact them through their website easily –

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) operates numerous homeless assistance programs throughout the country. You can call an emergency helpline for help. Simply call 2-1-1. People who are facing a crisis and need immediate shelter can receive immediate assistance through this program.

There are many ways 2-1-1 can help individuals and families facing an emergency or who have lost their homes due to a natural disaster. Local nonprofit services, government volunteers, and other private organizations will review your situation after receiving a call from you –

Note: First, you need to contact the church which is nearest to you. If you got rejected to receive motel vouchers from them then contact others. Read the eligibility to get selected for receiving motel vouchers from churches.

Other Nonprofit Organizations that Help with Motel Vouchers

Not only churches, in the USA but some other nonprofit organizations help with motel vouchers to homeless and low income people to provide them a temporary shelter.

  • United Way: United Way is a nonprofit organization that helps people with emergency housing assistance for a temporary purpose. They provide motel vouchers as a part of their community program.
  • Veterans Affairs Offices: Veterans Affairs (VA) offices and organizations generally provide a variety of services and assistance to veterans, including assistance with their housing needs. When veterans face a situation like homelessness, they can connect them with resources and programs that provide temporary housing assistance, including motel vouchers, as part of their support services to veterans. emergency accommodation.
  • NGOs and government organizations: Several NGOs offer motel voucher services. They often receive help from the Salvation Army, the city government, and other websites that offer these types of services. Some organizations offer hotel and motel vouchers to homeless people.
  • Local Homeless Shelters and Support Organizations: In our society, several local homeless shelters and support organizations offer emergency housing assistance, including motel vouchers for people who are homeless or are going to be homeless soon.
  • Community Action Agencies: These agencies, often funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), assist low-income individuals and families, which may include motel vouchers too.
  • Emergency Housing Vouchers: If you need emergency housing vouchers or motel vouchers, you can directly contact the local housing authority, homeless services agency, or social service organization for assistance.

How to Immediately Receive Homeless Motel Vouchers?

If you’re homeless, spending nights under the open sky, or going to be homeless soon and you have children or elder people with you then immediately you need motel vouchers. Below here are some ways that you may follow to receive homeless motel vouchers immediately.

  • Contact Local Emergency Shelters: Contact the local homeless shelters or organizations providing emergency housing. They may know about resources like a motel voucher, which may be available.
  • Check with the Red Cross: The Red Cross could provide shelter support in the case of disaster or when a person is in a critical situation. To get more information, please contact your local Red Cross chapter.
  • Contact United Way: Contact your United Way local office or go to their website. They can refer the clients to organizations that may be able to offer them motel vouchers.
  • Visit a Community Action Agency: These agencies offer different types of support, which could include emergency shelter. Check for a local community action agency and ask about the motel vouchers.
  • Call 2-1-1: If you need motel vouchers immediately, you can call 2-1-1. Their focus is to help poor and low-income families, and also homeless families. Just dial the number and explain your situation to them.

Who Are Eligible to Receive Motel Vouchers?

Everyone may not receive motel vouchers. Churches only offer motel vouchers that are eligible including elderly people, disabled people, low-income families, homeless people, etc. Here we have listed a few basic eligibility requirements that you need to meet to receive motel vouchers.

  • Homeless Individuals and Families: In cases where shelters are full or unavailable, several organizations, including governmental bodies and nonprofits, offer motel coupons to those who are homeless as a temporary place to stay.
  • Victims of Domestic Violence: People who are suffering from domestic violence may receive motel vouchers. For victims motel vouchers is a safe, and secure option for stay.
  • Eviction: An individual or a family who has to face sudden eviction by the land owner may face an emergency. In that case, they may receive motor vouchers to prevent themselves from being homeless.
  • Disaster Victims: if you are a big team in a natural disaster like floods, hurricanes, or fires then you will qualify for the motel. Several emergency services or disaster relief organizations save disaster victims.
  • Low-Income Families: People who belong to low-income families, struggling to find affordable housing options, may receive motel vouchers from churches and government programs.

How to Apply for the Motel Vouchers From Churches?

Need help with the church’s motel vouchers? Here is the application process step by step.

  • Contact the Church: You can call or email the church office to find out more about their help services, including motel vouchers. Introduce yourself and your circumstances in a few words and inquire about the procedure for applying for vouchers.
  • Provide Necessary Information: Some churches may need some information to determine whether you qualify for help or not. This could include information about your current living situation, any financial difficulties you are facing, and evidence of your need (including notices to quit or documentation of homelessness).
  • Fill out the application form: Now you have to fill out the application form accurately and completely. After providing the necessary documents you have to fill the application form with the proper information.
  • Wait for the review: Now you just have to wait for the church’s review. Yes, churches take some time to review your application. It may take a few days or a few weeks.
  • Follow up as needed: If you can’t receive anything from the churches, then you can follow up with the church for clarification.


In conclusion, eligible people may receive motel vouchers from churches, and other nonprofit organizations for free and that will give them a temporary housing shelter. You just have to fill out the application form to apply, you can also explain the situation to local churches and you will receive motel vouchers.

Below here we have compiled a few faqs that will resolve your queries. if you have any more queries then comment below.


How do I get 211 Motel vouchers for The Homeless?

211 is a helpline number and they help you with resources that provide motel vouchers to homeless people. So, if you need help then call the 2-1-1 phone number, explain your situation and they will connect you to the resource that may help you with motel vouchers for the homeless.

How can I get Salvation Army motel vouchers?

Salvation Army is an organization that assists to help people who are in need. You can visit the Salvation Army office or visit their official website to know their eligibility requirement to get motel vouchers. Apply for it and wait for the review.

How can I get a motel voucher for single mothers?

Simply contact churches. Visit the nearest church office, explain your situation, fill out the application form, and single moms will get motel vouchers.

2 thoughts on “Churches that Help with Motel Vouchers

  1. I’m a single mother just lost my home I’m in a hotel I have no more money can I get help with a hotel voucher please

  2. Hello i have been trying to receive emergency assistance for my husband and i we have been dealing with a difficult time trying to receive shelter , if there are any resources u can provide we need help immediately. We are currently on the waitlist for Social Services and wanted to see if you still assist with the hotel vouchers that is being advertised. Thank you!!!!

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