Churches Near Me That Help With Motel Vouchers

Churches Near Me That Help With Motel Vouchers

Are you facing homelessness? Have nowhere to go? You’re not alone. There are half of a million people are homeless in the USA. According to a survey of USAFacts Around one in every 500 Americans was experiencing homelessness in January 2023“, and the number is growing every year. So, this year in 2024 the number of homeless people has increased. Don’t worry! There are government assistance programs, nonprofit organizations, and churches that help with motel vouchers for homeless people and low income families.

When you are in a crisis where you have no home, no shelter, and no money to rent a room or book a hotel stay, you may be confused. At this time, motel vouchers help you provide temporary shelter. These motel vouchers are mainly provided by nonprofit charities and churches, and that is why churches play a crucial role in our society to end homelessness.

Let us guide you to the best churches that offer motel vouchers in my area for the homeless and offer discounts on shelters. Catholic Charities, Motel Vouchers, the Salvation Army, and community groups like Crisis Management are nonprofit organizations.

What Are the Motel Vouchers?

Motel vouchers are coupons that are used to enable people to spend their nights in motels without paying or by paying little fees. These vouchers are provided for people who have no homes or those who are homeless or in emergencies. These vouchers are normally offered by churches, charities, and government programs.

For this, one can approach the local churches, social services, or community centers. Once they have a voucher they can take it to a motel and spend a few nights there which means they will have a safe and clean shelter.

List Of Churches Near Me That Help With Motel Vouchers

These churches often partner with local shelters, and social service agencies, or run their outreach programs to distribute these vouchers. However, we have researched and discovered that some churches and other nonprofits are helping those looking for hotel vouchers right now.

The Salvation Army is a community of faith that reaches out to those less fortunate. When members of society do not face difficulties or crises, this is good for the whole country. This Christian church is also known for assisting individuals and families in need, including hotel vouchers.

They often have programs aimed at helping those who are homeless or facing housing instability. These programs may vary by location, so it is best to contact your local Salvation Army office or visit their website to inquire about specific services available in your area. They tend to evaluate each situation individually to determine the most appropriate form of assistance.

Catholic Charities is a network of charitable organizations affiliated with the Catholic Church that provide a wide range of social services to individuals and families in need, including support for housing and homelessness issues.

St. Vincent de Paul is a global organization with a mission to assist individuals and families in need, often through local parish groups. They provide various forms of support, including food assistance, clothing, furniture, financial assistance, and motel vouchers or emergency shelter vouchers to those experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.

Like other charitable organizations, St. Vincent de Paul operates through local branches or conferences, usually affiliated with Catholic dioceses.

Get more info from their official website – Homeless help.

Many United Methodist Churches have programs to support individuals facing homelessness. They may provide motel vouchers or other forms of emergency housing assistance. Contact a local United Methodist Church to find out more about available services.

Lutheran Social Services often provides housing assistance through motel vouchers for those in need. Depending on the area and specific services available, Lutheran Social Services may provide housing assistance, including emergency shelter, transitional housing, rental assistance, and supportive services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or housing instability. This will likely include hotel vouchers or other temporary accommodation solutions. You can find this Lutheran church near your area. For more details visit their official website.

The Episcopal Church offers assistance programs aimed at providing temporary shelter and support to individuals and families facing homelessness or housing instability, including hotel voucher programs. These programs are designed to provide immediate relief by providing vouchers for temporary stays in motels or hotels while people work to secure more stable housing solutions.

Episcopal churches and their affiliated organizations often collaborate with local social service agencies to assess needs and distribute vouchers to those in crisis. Additionally, these programs can provide case management services and support to help individuals address underlying issues that contribute to housing challenges and transition to more sustainable housing solutions.

Several Jewish congregations throughout the country provide emergency assistance, including housing assistance and hotel vouchers. They work to help individuals and families in need in their communities.

Love INC offers various forms of assistance, including help with temporary housing and motel vouchers. Although Love INC does not typically provide direct services such as hotel vouchers, it coordinates with local churches and organizations to provide a wide range of support, including food assistance, clothing, furniture, financial assistance, transportation, and sometimes temporary shelter or life assistance. Place of residence.

Alternatives to Church-Provided Motel Vouchers

Here are some alternative options listed that also help with motel vouchers.

  • Government Programs

Some of the services offered by churches are also offered by the government at the federal, state and local levels. Some of the available resources include the ESG program and local housing authorities.

  • Non-Profit Organizations

Shelters and other non-profit organizations that address homelessness also provide motel vouchers and other kinds of emergency shelter. Some of them are the National Alliance to End Homelessness and the local community action agencies.

  • Local Shelters and Community Programs

Local shelters and community programs can provide immediate shelter and often work in conjunction with church programs. These shelters may offer additional services, such as job training and counseling, to support long-term stability.

Who Helps with Motel Vouchers?

Here are 4 nonprofit organizations that have several programs available to help homeless people with motel vouchers.

Veterans Organizations

  • Veterans Administration (VA)

The VA offers several housing assistance programs, including motel vouchers for homeless veterans. They provide services under the VA Homeless Program, which provides short and long-term housing for veterans.

  • Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

The local VFW posts may help needy veterans, for instance, by offering temporary housing financial assistance.

  • American Legion

The American Legion provides emergency services such as motel vouchers to veterans who are homeless.

  • Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

DAV chapters offer services and emergency housing to disabled veterans.

Domestic Violence Shelters

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline

This hotline can direct people to local resources and some shelters can provide motel vouchers for immediate safety.

  • Safe Horizon

Offers temporary shelter and motel vouchers for victims of domestic violence in the New York City region.

  • YWCA

Most YWCA facilities provide domestic violence services such as emergency shelter and motel vouchers.

  • Local Domestic Violence Shelters

Most of the communities have shelters for domestic violence victims where they are given motel vouchers to enhance their security.

Local Community Action Agencies

  • Community Action Agencies

These agencies offer several support services for low income persons and families such as motel vouchers for emergency shelters.

  • Weatherization Assistance Program

While primarily focused on energy efficiency, some local agencies may also provide emergency housing assistance.

Homeless Shelters

  • Local Homeless Shelters

Some shelters provide motel vouchers when they are at capacity or during adverse weather conditions to guarantee the safety of the homeless.

  • Rescue Missions

Most of them are usually associated with religious bodies and while they offer emergency shelter, they may also provide motel vouchers.

  • Coalition for the Homeless

This organization offers direct services and seeks policy changes to support homeless people; in some regions, it provides motel vouchers.

211 motel vouchers

211 is a good resource that helps people in an emergency. 211 is a worldwide service that helps people by connecting with local resources and assistance programs. It is available 24/7 in the USA. If you’re in an emergency and need help then you can call 2-1-1 and they will help you.

Additional resources

The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Exchange is a resource for homeless shelters, free vouchers, financial assistance to pay for temporary hotels or motel rooms, and many other resources. HUD works with public housing authorities and other nonprofit organizations, as well as government agencies, to ensure that financial assistance is available to pay for a free hotel, hotel room, or other emergency accommodation.

Emergency Motel Vouchers for Single Mothers

Emergency Motel Vouchers for Single Mothers are essential support for mothers facing homelessness or housing instability, providing shelter and immediate support in times of crisis. These vouchers provide temporary stays in motels or hotels.

  • Domestic Violence Shelters: For single mothers who are suffering from domestic violence, shelters, and hotlines often provide motel vouchers to ensure immediate safety and temporary housing.
  • Women’s Shelters: Some shelters are exclusively for women and children and when they are fully booked, they provide hotel vouchers.
  • Social Services Departments: The local government departments of social services may contain emergency housing that entails hotel vouchers for single mothers and their children.

How to Find Churches That Help With Motel Vouchers?

Here is the process of finding churches near me that help with motel vouchers.

  • Search Engines: One can use Google to search for “churches that provide motel vouchers near me” or “churches that provide emergency motel vouchers. “ This will give a list of some of the churches and organizations that can assist.
  • Visit Local Churches: Go to local churches and ask if they are in a situation to provide motel vouchers or any other form of emergency shelter. Most of the churches have social welfare services where they assist people in society.
  • Social Services Departments: Go to your local social services department or community action agency. They frequently work with churches and other non-profit organizations to help find emergency housing and this may include motel vouchers.
  • Social Media Groups: Join local community groups on social media platforms like Facebook. Post inquiries about churches offering motel vouchers and browse existing posts for recommendations.
  • Helplines: Many non-profits and community organizations have helplines that provide information for emergency housing assistance, including church programs.

Steps to Follow When Contacting Churches:

  1. Prepare Your Information: Have your personal information, documentation of your situation, and identification ready.
  2. Be Clear and Honest: Clearly explain your situation and your need for emergency housing assistance.
  3. Ask Specific Questions: Inquire about the availability of motel vouchers, the application process, and any documentation required.
  4. Follow Up: If a church cannot help directly, ask for referrals to other organizations or churches that might assist.

By utilizing these resources and following these steps, you can effectively find churches that help with motel vouchers and secure the temporary housing you need during an emergency.

Who Are Eligible to Receive Motel Vouchers?

Here are some eligibility criteria to receive motel vouchers.

  • Income Level

Individuals or families must typically demonstrate financial need, often based on income thresholds set by the assisting organization.

  • Emergency Situation

Motel vouchers are usually provided in emergencies such as homelessness, imminent eviction, or displacement due to a crisis like domestic violence or natural disaster.

  • Residency

Certain conditions may include the fact that the applicant must be a resident of the area or community that is served by the organization offering the vouchers for the programs.

  • Identification and Documentation

Applicants may be required to present identification and proof of their current status, which may include a notice to quit or a referral from a social worker.

  • Vulnerability

Special attention may be paid to the most endangered groups of people including families with children, the elderly, veterans, or disabled people.

Application Process to Receive Motel Vouchers from Churches

Step by step application process is described. Follow the process now.

  • Identify Churches Offering Assistance

Research and identify local churches that provide motel vouchers. This can include contacting churches directly, searching online, or asking local social service agencies for recommendations.

  • Provide Personal Information

Be prepared to provide personal information, including your name, age, family details, and current living situation. This helps the church understand your needs and eligibility.

  • Documentation

1. Gather and present any required documentation. This may include:
2. Identification (driver’s license, state ID, passport)
3. Proof of income or financial need (pay stubs, bank statements)
4. Proof of residence (utility bills, lease agreements)
5. Any referral letters or documentation of your current crisis (eviction notice, police reports)

  • Complete an Application

Some churches may have a formal application process. Fill out any necessary forms accurately and completely.

  • Approval

If approved, you will receive a motel voucher specifying the duration of your stay and any conditions. The voucher will typically be for a nearby motel that the church has partnered with.

  • Follow-up and Additional Support

Churches often provide additional support services such as food, clothing, etc. Make sure to ask about any other assistance they can offer.


Motel vouchers provided by churches are a vital resource for individuals and families facing homelessness. These programs not only offer immediate shelter but also serve as a gateway to other forms of support and stability. By understanding how these programs work, the eligibility requirements, and how to find participating churches, those in need can better access these life-saving services. Community members can also play a role by supporting local churches and advocating for increased resources to help those in crisis.


How long can I stay in a motel with a voucher?

The duration of your stay in a motel with a voucher varies depending on several factors like organization and your situation. It can range from a single night to several weeks.

Are motel vouchers only for families, or can individuals receive them too?

Motel vouchers are available for both individuals and families. Eligibility criteria may vary.

Can I use a motel voucher at any motel?

Yes. But, it is advisable to ask the motel whether they allow free stays with motel vouchers or not.

Which churches provide motel vouchers?

Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, and various local Baptist and Methodist churches provide motel vouchers. To get a list of churches you can visit the site

Can churches help with other types of assistance besides motel vouchers?

Yes, churches offer other assistance programs, including food pantries, clothing banks, utility bill assistance, counseling services, and job placement programs.

Can I receive multiple motel vouchers from churches?

Receiving multiple vouchers depends on the church’s policies and the availability of funds. Some churches may offer repeat assistance, while others may limit help to a one-time aid to ensure they can assist as many people as possible.

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